What Shall I say about my wish list? ;)


Day 2 Assignment, I know I’m a bit too late now! 😛 I will upload the next one today I hope!! I was a bit too lazy yesterday to post this! 😛 So here you go!! Let me know your valuable comments… I am waiting for them ! 😉

What Shall I say about a list?

Mine is filled with stuff hard to resist!

I would love to twirl in the rain,

Fight with my cousins in the snowy plain!

To chit chat with my besties while being insane,

Letting all the energy drain!

Go for long drives with my boo,

Accompanied by the magnificent view!

I would like to go on a trip so jolly,

With those few beloved and an ice-lolly!

Wish I could have that weird dance again,

The way I used to in my youth without complain!

Smile and blush the way I did before,

Having no one to judge me with an uproar!

I wish to regain my beautiful days,

Where in hostel we used to blaze!

Own a beautiful house by the beach,

Have beautiful collections of hijabs and shades within my reach!

All the while voice within me screams out,

To let my dreams go and help those people in drought!

Ain’t I blessed a lot and still greedy for more,

Never taken a moment to be grateful to The One who provides the more!

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CopyRight2015IshmaImrozAll Rights Reserved

22 thoughts on “What Shall I say about my wish list? ;)

      1. Well.. you totally deserve it! I think I love your works because it is somehow the exact opposite of my posts. Haha. My stories are either dark or sad. But yours are just exploding with positivity! 😀 Thus, reading yours is like a breath of fresh air. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. haha My dear.. I as like you a little while ago.. Until my dear friends and close well-wishers started bringing and forcing positivism in my poetry! 😉 So I know you too will soon! 😀 Who knows, maybe my poems may inspire you! 😛 hehe.. Thankyou my dear! 😉

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